Sleep Consultant Langley






You can love your child to sleep

Maria Escola is a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach who provides gentle sleep solutions for babies and children up to five years old through simple, proven, and easy-to-implement steps. Taking a holistic approach provides her with the opportunity to determine the root cause of your child’s sleep challenges while using gentle methods to create the foundations needed for healthy sleep.

As a sleep consultant in Langley, Maria is devoted to working with parents within their comfort zone using  strategies that best suit the values of their families. She is committed to respecting your parenting philosophy and working with you in a non-judgmental way. Maria fully supports breastfeeding families and will not ask you to leave your child unattended or to do the cry-it-out method.

If your family needs a good night’s rest, Langley sleep consultant Maria Escola can help. She believes that teaching healthy sleep behaviors is one of the most precious gifts a parent can give to a child. The investment for the Gentle Sleep Coaching Consultation is as following: 

Online Consultation: $850 + tax  

The Gentle Sleep Coaching Package (5 months and beyond)


Full assessment of your child’s background; including sleep habits and parents’ goals


A 2-hour In-home*, phone or video consultation to discuss recommendations and your child’s sleep plan


A customized, step-by-step gentle sleep plan for your family


Email support for 21 days to guide and support you during the plan implementation time frame


Up to six follow-up phone calls and daily review of sleep logs


Sleepy Miracles’ Guide: After our work together is completed, this guide will provide you with information to ensure that your child continues sleeping well even through any possible bumps ahead. Information includes how to deal with travel, Daylight Savings time changes, moving your toddler from a crib to a bed, sleep regressions, nap transitions, teething, etc.

We are here to support you along your journey.

We are now accepting both virtual appointments as well as in-person appointments.  Click below and schedule your first visit today!

Sleep Consultants

Michael Zibauer - Counsellor

SPECIALTIES: Certified Baby & Child Sleep Consultant
Certified Gentle Sleep Coach
Post-Partum Doula, Newborn Care Specialist


Maria Escola
Certified Baby & Child Sleep Consultant
Certified Gentle Sleep Coach
Post-Partum Doula, Newborn Care Specialist

Languages: English & Spanish

It’s my goal to help families sleep well. Sleep is a basic need and as a Sleep Consultant, I work side by side with parents to achieve better sleep for their little ones.
It’s my honour to help parents who are seeking solutions to improve their babies’ sleep situation and support them during the time they implement changes and establish new habits.


I am a Certified Baby & Child Sleep Consultant through the International Parent and Health Institute and a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach. I am also a Post-Partum Doula (Douglas College) and a Newborn Care Specialist.  I am a Regional Director of the International Association of Professional Sleep Consultants and a Gentle Sleep Coach Certification instructor and student mentor.

I am a mom of two kids and the owner of Sleepy Miracles Consulting.  I began helping families around the globe sleep well in 2011. After the birth of my second child in 2010, the most difficult challenge as a mom of two small children was getting enough sleep –for my newborn, myself and the rest of my family. I felt lost, depressed, and I didn’t like the person I was becoming. Sleep deprivation was really affecting me.

The combination of my sleep certifications, additional trainings and years of experience helps me support families from a holistic perspective understanding that each baby, child and family is unique. I truly believe that healthy sleep behaviours are vital for the well-being of the family and that parents, and their children, should not suffer months (or worse, years) of sleep deprivation, especially when there are gentle and loving techniques that truly work.

I am committed to helping your family achieve your sleep goals. I will work with you to create a customized gentle sleep plan that fits your child’s unique needs and your personal parenting style.

I work with infants, babies, toddlers and children up to 5 years of age, helping with a number of different sleep issues. 

  • Your baby wakes up multiple times throughout the night and your pediatrician says he/she should be able to sleep through the night.
  • You nurse/rock/sing/walk your child to sleep and you are ready for them to learn to put themselves to sleep.
  • Your toddler climbs into bed with you and you wish they would stay in their own bed.
  • Your child wakes up before 6 a.m.
  • Co-sleeping is no longer working for you.
  • You are ready to night wean the breast or bottle.
  • Naps are difficult or non-existent.
  • Bedtime is a battle that takes hours.
  • You know your child is not getting enough sleep but are unsure how to improve the situation.
  • Your child is ready to transition from a crib to a bed but you are unsure when or how to do this.
  • You have tried to let your child “cry-it-out” or another sleep training method that did not work for you.
  • Any other sleep related issue that is causing family stress.
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