For as long as we can remember, if we needed a service, we went out to a brick and mortar location to receive it. But, over the past several years, things have changed with the evolution of technology. Nowadays, if you need a counselling service, it’s possible to work with a counsellor from the comfort of your home. 

It’s called Virtual Counselling and did you know that Crossroads Collective offers it for all of our services?

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what Virtual Counselling is and why we offer it for all of our services at our Langley counselling centre. 

What is Virtual Counselling?

Virtual Counselling is defined as the delivery of healthcare, health education, and health information services via remote technologies. It’s healthcare services through your computer or telephone with a trained and certified counsellor or trained professional depending on the service you’re seeking. 

Why should you consider Virtual Counselling?

This form of healthcare is ideal for so many reasons! Since the global pandemic, people have realized that they don’t have to go out for everything they do. This means people can remain where they’re comfortable (without putting themselves at risk) and still receive the services they’re interested in.

Virtual Counselling is also a great idea if you have a busy at-home life and aren’t able to make it into the city for appointments. This option is fantastic for stay-at-home parents with little ones. 

You’re able to easily book an appointment during your child’s nap time and receive the help you’re after. 

A third reason why you may be interested in Virtual Counselling is due to the counsellors you’re after. At Crossroads Collective, we have handpicked the people who work under our roof. These people are the best in their professions and have received hands-on training when it comes to the way Crossroads Collective works with individuals in a wraparound approach.  

Crossroads Collective is located in Langley, but you don’t have to be to work with our counsellors! With Virtual Counselling, we can help people all across the province of B.C. 

You can browse our counsellors on our website to help you decide who you want to work with. 

How to book Virtual Counselling.

Are you ready to book your first Virtual Counselling appointment? Simply visit our website and search the service you’re looking for. Once you know, click on the “book appointment” logo at the top right of the website. You’ll be transferred to our booking website where you can click on the service you’re looking for and the practitioner you are interested in seeing. Then, you can book via the “online” service options available. 

A Virtual Counselling link will be sent to your email with information about your appointment. Simply follow those instructions at the time of your appointment and you’ll set.

What services are included. 

For many companies, there are only one or two services available via Virtual Counselling. But at Crossroads Collective, we understand that life can be busy and getting into the clinic may not work for many of our clients. 

This is why we offer Virtual Counselling for all of our services. 

Interested in working with a nutritionist? You can do that via Virtual Counselling!

Interested in seeing a counsellor? You can do that via Virtual Counselling!

Interested in music therapy or music lessons? You can do that via virtual services! 

All of our services can be done through a laptop or on a telephone. Browse our website to see our full list of services available. 

Reach out with any questions. 

We understand that navigating a new piece of technology can be confusing. We are here for you. Simply give us a call if you have any questions or how to book a Virtual Counselling appointment. We look forward to the introduction of Virtual Counselling helping more individuals and families who are looking for the services we offer.

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